Welcome to my blog....

I have started this blog back up recently. I hope you enjoy reading my posts!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Adventures in moving across town….

This has to be the craziest move that my husband and I have been through. We had been through one other “across city” move, but I guess we were more organized for that one. Also we were more organized when we moved across a complex. Speaking of that complex that we moved across, that is the one we left, and that was a major part of the moving headache.

We lived in that complex for 4 years even when Jason was unemployed for over a year, and we still managed to pay rent every month early or on time. The landlord that was there the majority of the time we were unfortunately got cancer and had to quit. Since then she has had at least 3 replacements. The first one we will call “the ditz”.  The ditz didn’t know what she was doing half the time and I think she even lost our rent check for a couple hours. She did not last long there at all.

The next lady I will refer to as the “Wicked Witch.” She had given me attitude about a maintenance request that I had turned in when our breezeway lights were out. We had to carry a flashlight around for several weeks just to get to and from our apartment and car. Really how long does it take to change a light bulb or call an electrician?

The third lady was a charm….. Actually the opposite.  At the end of May we turned in our rent for June and our 60 day notice, which she copied and initialed for us. The plan is to be totally out by August 1. At the end of June we turned in our FINAL rent check for this month. A few days ago after the movers had moved all our big stuff, we came back here to pick up more boxes that were still here when we were greeted by the landlord and the 2 bosses above her. She asked us if we had moved out. DUH!!! Then she asked us where July’s rent was.  I had dropped it in the “drop off” slot in the wall like we had a few times in the past since Jason works nights.  Then she wanted to see copies of the money order receipt and our 60 day notice. She was shocked when we brought it back so quickly. Later we found out that someone did cash the money order. Then the next day she calls us about JUNE’S RENT!!! We had gotten that money order through our bank, so they had record of our purchasing it and, here is the shocker, THEY CASHED IT!!! Magically after all that grief, she found them in her records… Even though we don’t want to, we still plan on cleaning our old place in hopes that we get our deposit back…. We are not holding our breath though. The rent for there 2/1 that we had there is around what we got for our nicer 3 bed 1 and ¾ bath here. We also have a garage, yard, and w/d connections (3 more things the other place didn’t have.)

So we are obviously in a better place now. The move was interesting. Our big stuff got here, but a leg fell off our armoire, and one of the guys fixed it, but took longer that expected to return it. Also our storage style headboard was to big to get upstairs.  We had a very few minor issues with the actual house, and then a 3 week wait for home phone/tv/ and internet.  The way I see it, the lack of technology was just less distractions while unpacking.

That concludes our adventures in moving across town….e-mail me if you need our new contact info.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Although we probably have over 1/2 our stuff packed and ready to go, or over at the new place, it sure doesn't feel like it. I am ready to have it all over with though. Next time we get the keys to anywhere we will be living we will make sure we schedule the setting up of Jason's life support... I mean the internet and TV service.... EARLY. Once again we really only have a couple of options and the one we went with keeps "misplacing" our order for their services. The first lady we talked to said she'd try to get us set up on the 12th or 13th.... instead of letting us know that she couldn't, we ended up calling back only to get pushed back 2 whole weeks!!!!
       I told them that with my medical issues, that I was not comfortable being without a land-line for that long. So now every day in the morning I will have to call and hope that someone will cancel their order so that we can have their spot.
        I wonder what they will do when we send them our original order sheet. Will they feel guilty? Probably not, but I can dream right?