That show on TV always inspires me to want to work on my family tree. I am up to 834 people, 17 generations, and 332 different surnames!! The earliest birth I have is in the year 1435 that belongs to my 14th Great Grandfather on my paternal grandfather's branch. The research has been interesting and fun...
Speaking of research, today I have been stuck on finding the date of my Great Grandmother's 2nd wedding. I was very surprised to find her name, and my Grandmother's on a census that was taken after my Great Grandfather had passed away, but listed my Great Grandmother as married, and showed my Grandmother as the head of household's step-daughter. I would have never thought to look for that information had I not received an email from with the "ancestry hint" leading me to that census.....
Good grief!!! It's been 20 minutes since I finished that last paragraph. I had gone back to my tree looking for more ancestry hints.... I did find some hints for my husband's side of the tree. One tree had his Great Grandfather on it. After searching the tree, I figured out that the lady who made it is a very distant cousin to Jason. There were a few other trees also....
I am also waiting to get more stuff in the mail from my Uncle Bob to help with my Mom's family's branches. I'm a little worried about our lack of mail lately though. Three whole days without mail....Who does he think he is??? (He= the mail man)
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