Welcome to my blog....

I have started this blog back up recently. I hope you enjoy reading my posts!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random thoughts (by someone who woke up too early)

       1)    Is it just my brain, or do you have extremely weird memories from your childhood also?  Maybe it is being in the neighborhood that I grew up in, or maybe being here turns me back into a child and sends my brain back there as well. For example, I was in a bathroom at a friends house, and when I was younger, another friend and I had seen something through the shower's frosty door that was probably something to do with the lighting or whatever, but to us we saw a "black cloakey  looking shadow, and from then on, that bathroom had a "ghost".

       2)   Right now my husband and I do not have any pets.  Maybe that is why while I was eating breakfast and my friend's cat started chasing a rubber band around the floor, I started cracking up.

       3) I wore this shirt yesterday and my friend's Grandmother thought it was a Coke shirt:

4) Well, it's 3:24 pm... I am still awake! (But my brain isn't.)

Now it's 6:49 and my brain is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

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