Were you just thinking to yourself, "WHHHHAAATTT??" I saw that on a friend's Facebook status and couldn't figure it out myself. She was referring to tracing her family tree. I have been actively been tracing both my Mom's and Dad's sides of my tree for around 2 years or so. Before I got on ancestry.com I would just randomly Google a n ancestors name or two..... I actually came across a website that had one set of my Great Great Grandparents on my Dad's Mom's branch of the tree!! I had written the moderator of that site and have kept in touch with her and her daughter on Facebook. More recently I found a group on Facebook researching that surname and found a guy that shares 3 generations of the same relatives ending 2 or 3 generations back....He resembled my Dad a bit...

Speaking of my Dad, his Grandmother Beulah (pictured above) is who I get my looks from. I had discovered that I looked like her a few years ago when we received more old family photos.I always wondered what she was like as a person.... Just how strong is the Brown (Beulah's maiden name) family DNA.... I have a picture of my Grandmother Ruth, Beulah's daughter, when she was a child. I found a picture of myself around the same age and compaired... very similar features...One day a couple months ago my Dad even blurted out "You look like my Mom" when I was posing for a picture with Jason.
But on the other hand, a few weeks ago, my Mom told me that I reminded her of her Mom... my Grandma Kate. That was based on how I have my recliner in my living room. So what if I have a TV tray next to it with evrything I think I will need for a while on it, ie. remote, nail file, kleenex, drink holder, trashbag, etc.... What can I say.... Grandma Kate was a smart lady!! I've had luck on my Mom's side of the tree thanks to a copy of my Grandma Kate's family tree that one Uncle loaned me, and 2 CD roms of pictures from my Mom's side of the family that I got from another Uncle. I love this old wedding photo!!! (My Grandparents on the right)

One mystery that I do hope to solve is how exactly Jack Haley (The Tin Man from The Wizard of OZ) is related to my Mom's family. Rumor has it, and My Mom told me, that when she was growing up she had always heard that Jack Haley was her Dad's cousin. I haven't been able to find the names of his parents, but I do know that his real name was John Joseph Haley. There is a John Haley who was my Great Grand Uncle that I could see possibly being "Jack" Haley's father...
They make it look sooo much easier on the show "Who Do You Think You Are"......